Great service delivers great results

Gold Medal Services has been delivering quality plumbing services in the Northern Territory for 25 years.We believe our customers deserve great service with honest and reliable advice.We do this through good communication to understand your needs.We do the work to meet Australian Standards and local regulations.We do the work safely.We solve your plumbing problems.

Gold Medal Services is a Certified Locator with CertLoc (previously known as Dial Before You Dig)

We use GPR to prevent underground services utility strikes using our sub surface mapping equipment to scan the underground to provide a clear 3D image of the sub surface up to 8m deep.

Non invasive electromagnetic locating equipment is perfectly designed to find underground utility services such as electrical, data, water, sewer and stormwater.

Certloc logo
Gold Medal Services is Certified Locator

Gold Medal Services can deliver a comprehensive range of services to deliver the best outcome.