CCTV sewer and stormwater

Sewer and storm water are critical hydraulic infrastructure. Accurate assessment of new and old infrastructure is valuable information for any project.

Gold Medal Services has the iPEK Rovion system which allows for the inspection of sewer and storm water pipes from 150 to 1800mm.

The specialised German technology delivers a high resolution camera and laser profiling allows cross section and profile deformation measurement to a WRc standard.

The hardware is coupled with WinCan VX offering the core functionality needed to collect pipe inspection data, organise it into a database, and generate inspection reports that graphically display the pipe and its defects. With WinCan VX we can manage data in the office post-inspection and share it with our clients using free viewer software, as well as export it in a variety of formats.

Our clients

Gold Medal Services has worked with a number of clients to provide CCTV inspection of sewer and storm water infrastructure. Our clients have included:

  • City of Darwin - inspection of storm water assets across 19 suburbs in the Local Government area
  • Aurecon - large scale hydraulic infrastructure assessments of both sewer and storm water on a secure site involved over 25km of inspection
  • Aecom - inspection of existing hydraulic assets to determine best repair options on a secure site
  • Bennett and Bennett/Laing O'Rourke - sewer and storm water CCTV assessments to document existing infrastructure as part of a major project to expand facilities on a secure site
  • CC Group and Mitcon Projects - sewer and storm water inspection as part of project documentation for a Lend Lease project on a secure site in Katherine, Northern Territory
  • John R Keith Group - sewer and storm water inspection as part of project documentation for a Lend Lease project on a secure site in remote Northern Territory
  • Territoria Civil - inspection of new stormwater installations as part of project compliance documentation
  • Ace Body Corporate - provided underground hydraulic asset reports to various body corporates to determine cause of failing with both storm water and sewer infrastructure
  • Power Networks - Power and Water Corporation - storm water assessment to locate faults and provide repair options
  • Broadspectrum - undertake CCTV inspection of sewer and storm water assets to locate faults and provide repair options.

See our post on Google

CCTV inspection; CCTV camera of sewer and stormwater
Gold Medal Services have been plumbing in the Northern Territory since 1996. We deliver CCTV services that our clients can rely upon as our operators understand the infrastructure they are assessing.